

Flying up in the air- With no iota of fear Nursing no despair A strong look at warfare. Such a lonely world, Can't find no one to trust, But never forget your word- To stand the lonely test, "Any moment could be the last" Pray for my safety, As I sojourn on this entity, To struggle for purity, And nuptial of authenticity. You're the only one Who understand, my funny errand! wipe away ur tears... I'm coming back home, I won't be permanent in Rome Sweep everywhere with broom waiting for the groom..... I'm coming back home; To give u all you own, will always be there for you, I'm bringing goodies for you. You'll no longer be alone. same blood in same bone. © Nov.2015. 'Tayo Ogunkanmi_flow.


*Are you a writer or intending one?*  ✍🏻 *Have you wondered how you could win reader's interest when you write?* 👏🏻 *Have you been told your writing is boring and too direct?* 😏 🙇 � Hello, This serves to inform you of the *THIRD EDITION* of a powerful two/three day Whatsapp training tagged: *"THE ARTS OF CREATIVE WRITING"* which will cover a 'surgical dissection' of every rudiment of creative writing that captivates and fascinates... *There will be a provision for participants to ask question(s) after each section* *There will be a short practice for participants after the training as an evaluation* *The will be a follow-up opportunity for participants if need be* *Participants who are willing may join the newly formed "WRITERS' FORUM" to build career* *The training will be handled by a talented and professionally trained writer who is also a teacher..* *The training cost is ridiculously chicken feed* Date and Time to be communicated s...


"But no critic is ever tired of reading every 'trash', you won't know it if you don't read it." 'Tayo Ogunkanmi_ flow

TflowMedia: Every human- male or female has in-built potential...

TflowMedia: Every human- male or female has in-built potential... : Every human- male or female has in-built potentials to excel and contribute to the greatness of their society. Cassava, for instance, is a s...
Every human- male or female has in-built potentials to excel and contribute to the greatness of their society. Cassava, for instance, is a seemingly useless sti ck. But in it, we find  # starch ,  # fufu ,  # amala ,  # eba ,  # flakes  etc...., Dear, detect your in-built potentials and storm d world.... We can make a better Nigeria, can't we?!!! # t 'flow


#teachers_day-16 A TEACHER OR AN AWAKENER? Yes, having spent a number of years as a teacher trainee, I began to wonder what teaching ministry (of course a ministry) is all about. Sincerely, many youths just like myself would never dream of becoming a teacher, given the jaundiced views our society has for the 'profession.' We are made to see teaching as the very last resort and 'stuffs' for the commoners, who perhaps get rejected could not make headway in their original desired profession. Misplacement of priority, isn't it? The question I usually ask them is: who made the doctors, lawyers, engineers and even your most respected President? Take it or leave it, no professionals are ever made without having gone through the guidance and tutorship of a teacher! Matter of fact, teachers are great and are therefore regarded as nation builders. Think of it, what nation can exist without engineers, architects, bankers, economists, lawyers, doctors, diplomats and yet pol...


TflowMedia: NIGERIA's INDEPENDENCE: TO CELEBRATE OR NOT? : I read in dismay a whole lot of articles and pieces that have been written about Nigeria's independence, in which many opined that th...